A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35
OCC/Samaritan’s Purse
Operation Christmas Child is a big part of our missions! Each month items are gathered by the congregation and brought to the church and then in November we have a packing party for shoeboxes that will be used to reach children around the world. Through Samaritan’s Purse these shoeboxes will be delivered to show them how much God loves and cares for them. They will have the opportunity to hear the gospel and receive Jesus as their Lord.
The missions team also helps with some of the shipping costs because we send over 1000 boxes each year. Some of your missions money is directed to this.
Website for Samaritan’s Purse
Operation Christmas Child is a big part of our missions! Each month items are gathered by the congregation and brought to the church and then in November we have a packing party for shoeboxes that will be used to reach children around the world. Through Samaritan’s Purse these shoeboxes will be delivered to show them how much God loves and cares for them. They will have the opportunity to hear the gospel and receive Jesus as their Lord.
The missions team also helps with some of the shipping costs because we send over 1000 boxes each year. Some of your missions money is directed to this.
Website for Samaritan’s Purse

Pastor Nick Holliday is the local FCA director for our
county. He is very involved with the local schools and
youth. We are working with him an this organization to
increase the reach of the gospel within our schools and
community. The mission is to see the world transformed by
Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and
Central Indiana FCA Website
Pastor Nick Holliday is the local FCA director for our
county. He is very involved with the local schools and
youth. We are working with him an this organization to
increase the reach of the gospel within our schools and
community. The mission is to see the world transformed by
Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and
Central Indiana FCA Website
The Fortville Area Resource Mission aims to show the love and grace of Christ in the Mt. Vernon Township community and beyond by being a trusted and effective provider of food relief, support groups, social programming, and referrals to other dependable organizations for those in our community. Our church helps in the FARM Mission in various ways with donations of food and providing volunteers for the mission. We are wanting to sponsor the pantry four times each year. We need 8 volunteers to serve the 5th Thursdays of the year. Our first time to serve would be Thursday, August 29, 2024. Volunteers start arriving at 5 pm, but must be there by 6pm. They open the doors at 5:30 for the guests by providing a meal for everyone. Pantry distribution is from 6:30-7:30. We will be done by around 7:45 or 8 pm. You are welcome to have your kids serve with you. There are many opportunities to help in other ways as well. If you want to get involved in other ways, check out their website or call the mission.
FARM Website
The Fortville Area Resource Mission aims to show the love and grace of Christ in the Mt. Vernon Township community and beyond by being a trusted and effective provider of food relief, support groups, social programming, and referrals to other dependable organizations for those in our community. Our church helps in the FARM Mission in various ways with donations of food and providing volunteers for the mission. We are wanting to sponsor the pantry four times each year. We need 8 volunteers to serve the 5th Thursdays of the year. Our first time to serve would be Thursday, August 29, 2024. Volunteers start arriving at 5 pm, but must be there by 6pm. They open the doors at 5:30 for the guests by providing a meal for everyone. Pantry distribution is from 6:30-7:30. We will be done by around 7:45 or 8 pm. You are welcome to have your kids serve with you. There are many opportunities to help in other ways as well. If you want to get involved in other ways, check out their website or call the mission.
FARM Website

Joselyn Sands loves helping college students wrestle with hard questions about faith, whether they have grown up in the church and are on their own for the first time, or have never considered a relationship with God something possible for them. For Joselyn, each encounter is an opportunity to point students back to Jesus and invite them into a relationship with Him. She regularly sends out a ministry update letter with stories from campus and prayer requests. If you would like to know more, receive her newsletter, or learn how to be a bigger part of her ministry, you can visit her website with Cru or email her directly.
Joselyn's CRU Website
Joselyn Sands loves helping college students wrestle with hard questions about faith, whether they have grown up in the church and are on their own for the first time, or have never considered a relationship with God something possible for them. For Joselyn, each encounter is an opportunity to point students back to Jesus and invite them into a relationship with Him. She regularly sends out a ministry update letter with stories from campus and prayer requests. If you would like to know more, receive her newsletter, or learn how to be a bigger part of her ministry, you can visit her website with Cru or email her directly.
Joselyn's CRU Website

Bobby & Jenny Mihsill
Bobby and Jenny Mihsill arrived in Côte d’Ivoire in January 2015 after a year of language school in France. The Mihsills teach a variety of theological courses at IBAO, West Africa Bible Institute, and assist the national church in training leaders for the Children of Promise program. Bobby and Jenny led the launch of the Children of Promise program in Côte d’Ivoire in the summer of 2016. The Children of Promise has since grown to include four sites working to invest in children through the ministry of local congregations. One of their primary responsibilities today is working with the national church to develop self-sustainability.
Bobby & Jenny Mihsill's Website
Bobby and Jenny Mihsill arrived in Côte d’Ivoire in January 2015 after a year of language school in France. The Mihsills teach a variety of theological courses at IBAO, West Africa Bible Institute, and assist the national church in training leaders for the Children of Promise program. Bobby and Jenny led the launch of the Children of Promise program in Côte d’Ivoire in the summer of 2016. The Children of Promise has since grown to include four sites working to invest in children through the ministry of local congregations. One of their primary responsibilities today is working with the national church to develop self-sustainability.
Bobby & Jenny Mihsill's Website