Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

At Faithful Beginnings we strive to create a learning environment that brings a sense of family to each and every child that we come into contact with. Understanding your need to find quality daycare for your children, we do everything in our power to not only nurture them, but to educate them as well. It can be a challenge to provide both of these things, which is why Faithful Beginnings exists: to provide a loving, safe, Christian environment that stimulates children to learn and grow into what God created them to be.

Building Relationships
We believe that it takes a village to raise a child and you have chosen us to be a part of your village. Because of this, we do our best to build relationships based on honesty and openness with parents. We want to be able to tell you, honestly, how your child is doing and if we have any concerns. We also expect you to be honest with us, and inform us of anything you would like us to know or of anything we should know to be better equipped to effectively care for and teach your child. We believe this partnership between parents and staff will be the best bridge to helping each child reach his or her full potential.
Our Staff
The staff at Faithful Beginnings are trained, responsible people of strong Christian character. Above all, your child’s physical, mental, emotional, social, moral, and spiritual development is at the heart of what we provide. We are here to encourage, to listen, to teach, and to guide your children to paths that will truly set them up for success in later life. Everyone on staff is also certified in First Aid and CPR and have all passed criminal background checks. If you are interested in potentially joining our team, click here to apply.
For more information, contact us at [email protected]
or 317-485-7472.
or 317-485-7472.
The Imagination Library
The Imagination Library program provides an age appropriate book to all qualifying children who are residents of Hancock County. Books are delivered monthly to the home, and in the name, of the enrolled child…in other words, children receive their very own library. Books are free to families living in Hancock County with children beginning at birth until age 5 thanks to the generosity of our community. Imagination Library of Hancock County is made possible through a partnership of the Hancock County Community Foundation (HCCF) and the Hancock County Public Library (HCPL). To enroll, visit