These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Children’s ministries should be centered on partnering with parents to help children know, love, and obey Jesus more and more every day. At New Life, we believe the primary spiritual shapers of children are their parents, which is why our curriculum is designed to transition children to a place where they are able to not only see adults and teens worship, but experience worship with adults and teens. We welcome all children to attend the beginning of worship with their parents in worship. We will provide age-based classes for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary kids during the sermon.

During Class Time
The curriculum is designed to be interactive and educational, which means children participate in science experiments, skits, Bible reading, crafts and much more! Most weeks we are using Gospel Project curriculum to go along with what the rest of the congregation is learning through the sermon. At other times we write and compile our own curriculum.
During the Week
We strongly believe that parents are the primary spiritual shapers in a child’s life. Our goal is to partner with families to help their children to know, love, and obey Jesus more and more every day. We provide a weekly sheet via email on Saturday describing to parents what we will learn Sunday that includes a discussion guide and activity to further the learning at home as a family.
Ministry to Parents
Being your child’s primary faith shaper can be daunting, so we work hard to send out a weekly email to parents with what we are studying and extra ideas, activities, snacks, etc. that you can do as a family to reinforce in your homes what the church is teaching. If you are not receiving the email and would like to, please contact [email protected]. In addition to the weekly email, we have an annual resource based on your child’s age or grade level that includes a Kickstarter, Development Guide, and Parent Guide on what to expect in your child’s spiritual and emotional development this year. It includes Bible studies to do at each age and a unique Family Experience to help commemorate your 3 year old getting a big kid bed, your 1st grader learning responsibility, your 4th grader making good friend choices, etc. The link is here for you to enjoy using with each of your children:
The curriculum is designed to be interactive and educational, which means children participate in science experiments, skits, Bible reading, crafts and much more! Most weeks we are using Gospel Project curriculum to go along with what the rest of the congregation is learning through the sermon. At other times we write and compile our own curriculum.
During the Week
We strongly believe that parents are the primary spiritual shapers in a child’s life. Our goal is to partner with families to help their children to know, love, and obey Jesus more and more every day. We provide a weekly sheet via email on Saturday describing to parents what we will learn Sunday that includes a discussion guide and activity to further the learning at home as a family.
Ministry to Parents
Being your child’s primary faith shaper can be daunting, so we work hard to send out a weekly email to parents with what we are studying and extra ideas, activities, snacks, etc. that you can do as a family to reinforce in your homes what the church is teaching. If you are not receiving the email and would like to, please contact [email protected]. In addition to the weekly email, we have an annual resource based on your child’s age or grade level that includes a Kickstarter, Development Guide, and Parent Guide on what to expect in your child’s spiritual and emotional development this year. It includes Bible studies to do at each age and a unique Family Experience to help commemorate your 3 year old getting a big kid bed, your 1st grader learning responsibility, your 4th grader making good friend choices, etc. The link is here for you to enjoy using with each of your children: